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Relational Leadership : The Key to Productive Relationships 

“Relationships are our most valuable and value-creating resource."

David Brooks, author and cultural commentator, The New York Times, quoting from This Land of Strangers


"This is the most important book of the decade. If you can only read one more book in your life, make it this one. It is enlightening, insightful and inspirational about how we can transform our deteriorating relationships. Having studied intimacy and relationships at home and work for 45 years, I wish I had been able to write this book. It is now required reading in all of my graduate courses.”

Richard Boyatzis, Harvard Ph.D., emotional intelligence guru, co-author int'l best seller, Primal Leadership, Distinguished Professor, Case Western Reserve University.


"When I first started reading Robert E. Hall's book, This Land of Strangers, I was amazed at the research and data that he'd collected to explain how the breakdown of relationships is touching every aspect of our lives.  Shortly after that, I heard him speak and I was fascinated!  He draws from current headlines and studies to explain the changes in society that make it so challenging to develop and engaged workforce. Then he proposes solutions."  

Barbara Lane, Executive Director, HR Houston 


“A splendid cultural critique.”

John L. McKnight, author, The Careless Society, co-author of The Abundant Community, Professor Emeritus, Co-Director, Community Dev. Institute, Northwestern University


“Think of it as an updated version of Robert Putnam’s book, Bowling Alone, one with plenty of data.”

Russ Pulliam, Associate Editor – The Indianapolis Star



This Land of Strangers is ideal for:


Social, business, political, and religious groups interested in understanding how the broader relational demise applies to their specific area(s) of concern:


  • Leaders in need of Relational Leadership -- a more intentional approach to addressing today’s challenges of employee distrust and disengagement

  • Parents, grandparents, teachers, and counselors who want to better grasp the context, cause, cost, and cure for relational decline on the children.

  • Foundations, non-profits, public service agencies, social service workers, case managers, and church groups serving those trapped in a world of relational chaos.

  • Businesses challenged to deliver enhanced customer, employee, management, and shareholder relationships in a marketplace of distrust and relational erosion.

  • Citizens, political interest groups, and activists concerned about the partisan divide that has rendered our government impotent to address urgent economic, social, and cultural problems.

  • Church and secular groups caught in heated debate and vitriol that obstructs constructive disagreement, tolerance of differences, and espoused values for caring relationships.

  • Associations, small groups, book clubs, and special interest groups focused on learning more about the single most important unreported strategic trend that endangers all of society.

  • University and study groups who want to discuss the most researched book available on the state of relationships.


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A clear and concise game plan for anyone interested in understanding what profitable, local markets are all about.”

Bill Saporito, Member of the Board of Editors, FORTUNE


“Robert Hall has not only been a pioneer on the subject of Customer Relationship Management, but provides advice on its most difficult aspect: successful implementation of a CRM strategy at the point of customer contact.”

Thomas K. Brown, Founder and CEO of and Second Curve Capital


“Robert Hall has a gift for making clear what’s not working and why, in customer relationships. If you want to paint a vivid picture of the main challenges for your sales, marketing, and technology managers – how to build the right customer relationships at the point of customer contact – his book is the right place to start. It shows genuine insight into the customer viewpoint, and passion for getting it right.”

Michael Hegarty, President and Chief Operating Officer, Equitable


Hall’s perspective is especially critical for companies who market to many parts of the world. The greater the differentiation in your markets, the more important local market management becomes. This book reflects some of the key components of our company’s game plan.”

John Donaldson and Mark McCafferty, Managing Directors, Financial Services, Worldwide Travel-Related Business, Thomas Cook Group Unlimited, London, England


“The fortunes and futures of retailers, banks, and other large organizations hinge on hundreds of decisions at the store and branch level. Hall presents a challenge and blueprint for ‘thinking local’ and building strategies around what matters most – the customer.”

Anthony J. Rutigliano, Editor-in-Chief/Publisher, Sales & Marketing Management magazine


The Streetcorner Strategy is ideal for:


• Large global companies focused on 'acting more local'


• Small/mid-size companies competing with global ones


• Those who would like a comprehensive roadmap for     building strong, targeted customer relationships. 


• Managers who are seeing profitable returns through new sales - learn how to harness and safeguard those sales into long-term relationships. 







Available for purchase at:

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